Decorative Stone

Decorative Gravel

If mulch isn’t the look you are going for at your house, look at our few options of decorative gravel. The Eastern Seashore stone is offered in the #2 and #3 sizes. It’s great for adding some lighter colors to your yard. The Barn Red Stone is a limestone with a deep burgundy color that stands out around the house.


#2 Eastern Seashore

#2 Eastern Seashore


#3 Eastern Seashore

#3 Eastern Seashore


#2 Barn Red Stone

#2 Barn Red Stone

Contact Us today to get your order ready and schedule a delivery.

Mulch, Manure & Compost:
1yd. mulch = 10’x10′ area (100sq. ft.) 3″ deep
Length x Width ÷ 200 x depth in inches.
With Compaction:
2A Limestone and Topsoil x total by 1.25